5.3 Computing Bias

Intentional or Purposeful bias

Tiktok Age Range


Facebook Age Range


Is there purposeful exclusion?

Facebook seems to appeal to a more mature audience, while tiktok promotes a platform for younger people. Facebook focuses on a more community based, communication site where audiences can talk and make groups. Tiktok focuses on more entertainment, promoting creativity and videos appealing towards younger generations.

Why do virtual assistants have female voices?

In a more negative light, virtual assistants may have female voices due to the long standing gender role that women are there to serve and help. If this bias is true, then it can be harmful as it continues to support the idea that women are supposed to be obedient and serve whenever called. However, there are options to change the voices, from accents to gender.

An algorithm that influences your decisions?

Algorithms that influence decisions are mostly social medias, such as tiktok or instagram. These platforms create trends, influencing people to take part in what is popular, even if it may be dangerous. Plus, searching or clicking on things you may be interested in begin to affect the content you will see.

HP Computers are Racist

HP Computers are Racist Video

The owner of the computer believes this is intentional, calling the computer racist. I think this may have happened because of a testing flaw, however this is an error that should be fixed. That being said, I don’t believe this happened with racist intent, it is just an error that needs to be fixed. I think it could be fixed by tracking facial shape, facial features, etc in more depth.

5.4 Crowdsourcing

  1. In Github, you can see a person’s repositories, their files, and the raw code for their files. This allows us to borrow and share code between users and classmates. Furthermore, we use this feature to allow people to “wget” files, like we did in the student lessons.

  2. I noticed that the most voted files are likely the most reliable ones. They have been used many times, over 1000, and are also rated gold.

  3. CompSci has 150 ish principles students. Describe a crowdsource idea and how you might initiate it in our environment?

One crowdsourcing idea for compsci students could be creating a study guide or knowledge inputs of the students for specific terms or code programs to show what we have learned and apply our knowledge together and create a reliable source of information.

  1. What about Del Norte crowdsourcing? Could your project be better with crowdsourcing?

Crowdsourcing at Del Norte could be gathering input on class difficulty or rating classes to help upcoming students decide what they would like to take.

  1. What kind of data could you capture at N@tM to make evening interesting? Perhaps use this data to impress Teachers during finals week.

You could compile the amount of people with a certain theme.