Workout Plans


The overall purpose of this page is to promote community and exercise within the workout community as it’s function is to allow users to share their workouts with other baddies (users).

The input is the user inputted data (the workout, exercise, sets, etc) and the output is the data outputted into the table.


This shows data abstraction because the data from users will be stored and returned to lists as it is inputted. These lists will organize the data to be outputted into the tables.


This code would not be able to run without the lists storing the data as there would be nowhere for the user inputted data to go. Otherwise, I am unsure as to how we would be able to run the program.


I am unsure as to how this would meet the fourth requirement, so it is something I must edit/figure out.


This program works by taking the inputted data, processing it through to the backend, and outputting it into the table. The data will be stored in the backend file (user/users py file) so it allows the data to be deleted or edited. Furthermore, this data will be visible to all users, and will not be private to just a user’s account.


The program meets this row’s requirements through the detection of garbage data.

  1. If non-garbage data is inputted, the data will pass through the conditionals checking if the data is incorrect (garbage). Once it passes these conditions, the inputted data will be stored in the backend file and displayed in the frontend table.

  2. If garbage data is inputted, the data will not pass through the conditionals and an error message will occur as the output.

Collegeboard Based Grade


I need to specify how the program meets the collegeboard requirements. Going forward, I must also make sure to keep these in mind to make sure it fully meets expectations. Based on the grade I gave myself for row 4, I need to describe the procedural abstraction as well as have 2 segments of code showing the functionality of the procedure, and the procedure being called.