Video #1

My Rubric

College Board’s Grade


Row 1

  • College Board graded row 1 as a 0 due to the written response missing the “overall purpose of the program” as stated in the rubric.
  • However, I disagreed with this and rated section 1 a 1 as I believed the explained the purpose of the program was to “provide information on a triangle based on inputted side lengths”

Seeing as this explanation did not meet the college board expectations, it allowed me to realize that I must be extra thorough and detailed about the actual purpose of the program and not just its function.

  • For Row 3, both college board and I agreed that this did not meet the expectations on the rubric. The written response did not show a list being used to manage complexity. Therefore, they did not get a point.

Video #2

My Rubric

College Board’s Grade


  • College board and I both scored this project a 6/6 overall. This project was able to meet the expectations of every row. The written responses for each section were detailed and met the standards in both College Board and I’s opinions.
  • The only concern I had with this project was the written response for row 5. This met the expectations of explaining the steps of how the algorithm worked in detailed steps, however it was slightly confusing for someone to be able to recreate it.