My Rubric (ALL)

College Board’s Grade

Video #1

Row 1

This person did not meet the requirements as they explained the function, not the purpose.

Row 2

I thought this person met the requirements for identifying the name of the variable representing the list being used in the response, as well as having who program code segments. However, after looking at the college board grade, I realized that they did not describe the data in animalList.

Row 3

Row three met most of the requirements, however they did not explain how the list manages complexity in the program. So, they did not get the point.

Row 4

Both college board and I agreed that this did not meet requirements as, like CB said, “The response does not describe how this procedure contributes to the overall functionality.”

Row 5

Student did not explain how the algorithm works in enough detail that someone could recreate it. In addition, the student did not explain anything about the sequencing, selection, iteration or algorithm.

Row 6

Row six did meet the three criteria, earning the point.


Based on this, I believe I have somewhat gotten a good understanding of the college board grading process. I have noticed that explaining purpose instead of functionality is something I must really make sure I understand before my project as it is a requirement that many people miss. I can refer to this example to help me understand how to meet the requirements as well.


Video 2

College Board’s Grade

Row 1

The program shows input, functionality, and output. Plus, they explain the overall purpose well, earning the point.

Row 2

College board and I both got the same score, giving them a point for meeting all the criteria.

Row 3

College board and I both got the same score, giving them a point for meeting all the criteria. They explained how the list managed complexity.

Row 4

College board and I both got the same score, giving them a point for meeting all the criteria. The written portion describes what the identified procedure does and how it contributes to the overall functionality of the program.

Row 5

College board and I both got the same score, giving them a point for meeting all the criteria.

Row 6

College board and I both got the same score, giving them a point for meeting all the criteria. They describe the two calls, the conditions tested, and the result of each call.


Based on this, I believe I have somewhat gotten a good understanding of the college board grading process. I can refer to this example to help me understand how to meet the requirements as well.


Video 3

College Board’s Grade

Row 1

I gave this person a point, however college board did not. Now I realize that the person did not explain the purpose of the program, but the functionality instead.

Row 2

College board and I both got the same score, giving them a point for meeting all the criteria.

Row 3

College board and I both got the same score, giving them a point for meeting all the criteria.

Row 4

College board and I both got the same score, giving them a point for meeting all the criteria. They included the procedure as well as a description of the function.

Row 5

College board and I both got the same score, giving them a point for meeting all the criteria.

Row 6

College board and I both got the same score, giving them a point for meeting all the criteria. They describe the two calls, the conditions tested, and the result of each call.


Based on this, I believe I have somewhat gotten a good understanding of the college board grading process. I noticed I gave this person a point when they didn’t explain the purpose, which is something I must look out for when I am writing my written response. I can refer to this example to help me understand how to meet the requirements as well.


Video 4

College Board’s Grade

Row 1

The student met all the criteria for row 1, explaining program purpose as well as the functionality and the input and output.

Row 2

I gave this person a point because I thought they showed two program code segments as well as the names of variables and the description of the data. However, College board did not give them a point because the second code segment does not meet the criteria.

Row 3

Both college board and I did not give them a point because the list is not used to manage complexity.

Row 4

Both college board and I gave them a point because the procedure was thoroughly explained with an explicit parameter. Furthermore, they explained the functionality of the procedure and showed where the procedure is called.

Row 5

College Board and I both gave them a point for meeting both criteria.

Row 6

I gave them a point for describing the two calls, conditions, and results. However, college board did not give them a the point as they gave “the conditions being tested rather than two different arguments.”


Based on this, I believe I have somewhat gotten a good understanding of the college board grading process. I also learned to make sure I meet all the criteria for the 6th row as I must make sure it is two calls and not two conditions. I can refer to this example to help me understand how to meet the requirements as well.