Unit 3.12-3.13 Hacks
My Hacks from Lesson 3.12-3.13
3.12 Hacks
- A procedure is a piece of code that is made to have accomplish a certain goal (like a function)
- A parameter is a variable that allows data to be imported into a function.
- A parameter can look like "a" and "b" in random.randint(a,b)
Return Value:
- A return value is a value that returns to a procedure using a return statement
- Python to continues executing the program and returns a certain value (Return Value)
- Using a return statement
Quiz Score
questionNum = 3
correct = 0
questions = [
"What is are correct names for a procedure? \n A) Method \n B) Function \n C) Both",
"What is a procedure? \n A) Sequencing \n B) Selection \n C) Iteration \n D) All",
"Use this for following question: \n def inchesToFeet(lengthInches): \n\t lengthFeet = lengthInches / 12 \n\t return lengthFeet \n\n What is the procedure name, the parameter, and what the procedure returns? \n A) feetToInches, lengthInches, lengthMeters \n B) inchesToFeet, lengthInches, lengthFeet \n C) inchesToFeet, lengthFeet, lengthInches \n D) lengthInches, inchesToFeet, lengthFeet"]
answers = ["c", "d", "b"]
def qna(question, answer):
print("Question:", question)
response = input()
print("Answer:", response)
if response.lower() == answer:
print("Correct :) \n")
global correct
correct += 1
print("Incorrect :( \n")
for x in range(questionNum):
qna(questions[x], answers[x])
print("Score:", correct, "/ 3")
import math
def square_root():
x = int(input("Input a number"))
place1 = int(input("Enter your score"))
place2 = int(input("Enter your score"))
combined = place1 + place2
def function(combined):
if combined:
print("Qualified for Regionals")
print("Not qualified")
# is a separate element in the list
def split_string(s):
# use the split() method to split the string into a list of words
words = s.split(" ")
# initialize a new list to hold all non-empty strings
new_words = []
for word in words:
if word != "":
# add all non-empty substrings of `words` to `new_words`
return words
# this function takes a list of words as input and returns the number of words
# that start with the given letter (case-insensitive)
def count_words_starting_with_letter(words, letter):
count = 0
# loop through the list of words and check if each word starts with the given letter
for word in words:
# use the lower() method to make the comparison case-insensitive
if word.lower().startswith(letter):
count += 1
return count
# this function takes a string as input and returns the number of words that start with 'a'
def count_words_starting_with_a_in_string(s):
# use the split_string() function to split the input string into a list of words
words = split_string(s)
# use the count_words_starting_with_letter() function to count the number of words
# that start with 'a' in the list of words
count = count_words_starting_with_letter(words, "a")
return count
# see above
def count_words_starting_with_d_in_string(s):
words = split_string(s)
count = count_words_starting_with_letter(words, "d")
return count
def count_words_starting_with_x_letter(s):
x = input("Input a letter")
words = split_string(s)
count = count_words_starting_with_letter(words, x)
return count
s = " Now you can choose which letter you want to test "
a_count = count_words_starting_with_a_in_string(s)
d_count = count_words_starting_with_d_in_string(s)
x_count = count_words_starting_with_x_letter(s)
print("Words starting with your letter:", x_count)
## ADD another function (ask for letter and then check which one)
# Define x = input
# count = count words starting with letter (words, x)
3.13 3.C HACKS
Procedure Name:
The name of a function
An argument provides data to a function
- Often defined outside of a function
- Imported into function via parameters
Buttons in Javascript
<!-- function is called here -->
<button id="enter" onclick="print(a,b)">ADD</button>
<p id="result"></p>
<!-- javascript -->
function print(a,b) {
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = a + b // math
// variables are defined
var a = 5
var b = 5
- Modularity - the practice of breaking a complex program into smaller, independent parts or modules that can be used and reused in different parts of the program
- Abstraction - the practice of hiding the details of how a particular code or system works and exposing only the essential features or functions that are necessary for other parts of the program to use
- Duplication - having multiple duplicate code blocks, often decreasing readability and efficiency
- Logic - the sequence of steps and operations that a computer follows to execute a program, including the specific instructions and decision-making processes built into the code
3.13 Vocabulary
- Procedure - a module of code that is created to complete a certain task, this is basically a function
- Procedure Name - the name that is given to a function/procedure
- Parameters - a variable that is used in a function to allow for data to be imported into a function
- Arguments - a way to provide information to a function, usually defined outside a function and then imported into a function with parameters
3.13 Questions
function compare(a,b) {
if(a>b) {
console.log("a is greater than b")
} else if (a<b) {
console.log("a is less than b")
// How do you call to this function?
what are the parameters?
- a and b
What is the output?
- "a is greater than b" or "a is less than b"
what are the arguments?
- (a,>b), (a< b)