Enumerate "Data" Big Idea from College Board

Some of the big ideas and vocab that you observe, talk about it with a partner ...

  • "Data compression is the reduction of the number of bits needed to represent data"
  • "Data compression is used to save transmission time and storage space."
  • "lossy data can reduce data but the original data is not recovered"
  • "lossless data lets you restore and recover"
  • repeating statement for things tht repeat (pixels) - form of compression

The Image Lab Project contains a plethora of College Board Unit 2 data concepts. Working with Images provides many opportunities for compression and analyzing size.

Image Files and Size

Here are some Images Files. Download these files, load them into images directory under _notebooks in your Blog.

Describe some of the meta data and considerations when managing Image files. Describe how these relate to Data Compression ...

  • File Type, PNG and JPG are two types used in this lab
    • PNG analyzes the data in the image to see what patterns there are to be compressed. The patterns in the data are reduced to shorter code, compressing the file to make it smaller. PNG also has a fourth pixel in the image data.
    • JPG and other file types work similarly, finding patterns in the image data to be converted into a shorter code.
  • Size, height and width, number of pixels
    • Sizing an image down reduces the number of pixels in the image
  • Visual perception, lossy compression
    • Lossy compression is when you compress data and lose some of it if you decompress it. For example, JPEG files compress the image data, causing some of the original data to be loss and degradation to occur.

Displaying images in Python Jupyter notebook

Python Libraries and Concepts used for Jupyter and Files/Directories


Support visualization of data in Jupyter notebooks. Visualization is specific to View, for the web visualization needs to be converted to HTML.


File paths are different on Windows versus Mac and Linux. This can cause problems in a project as you work and deploy on different Operating Systems (OS's), pathlib is a solution to this problem.

  • What are commands you use in terminal to access files?
    • ls
  • What are the command you use in Windows terminal to access files?
    • wsl
  • What are some of the major differences? Window users use C:\ to store the operating system, system files and other applications and their related files. Provide what you observed, struggled with, or leaned while playing with this code.
  • Why is path a big deal when working with images?
    • Path allows for different ways to access image files. This is important because in order to render photos, you need a way for the computer to access them.
  • How does the meta data source and label relate to Unit 5 topics?

  • Look up IPython, describe why this is interesting in Jupyter Notebooks for both Pandas and Images? IPython notebooks are now called Jupyter Notebooks. Interactive Python is a command shell for interactive computing in multiple programming languages.


While playing with the grey scale code, I was able to create colors like cyan, hot pink, purple, and the primary light colors. This part was somewhat easy to do, however, it was a little difficult for me to understand how it goes through each pixel and what each function did. One thing I did understand was how putting the average pixel value for each rgb value made grey, and cancelling out some or all but one of the color values would allow you to scale the color. But, after talking to Mr. Mort, I was able to understand a little more how it goes takes the average of the rgb values added together.

from IPython.display import Image, display
from pathlib import Path  # https://medium.com/@ageitgey/python-3-quick-tip-the-easy-way-to-deal-with-file-paths-on-windows-mac-and-linux-11a072b58d5f

# prepares a series of images
def image_data(path=Path("images/"), images=None):  # path of static images is defaulted
    if images is None:  # default image
        images = [
            {'source': "Peter Carolin", 'label': "Clouds Impression", 'file': "clouds-impression.png"},
            {'source': "Peter Carolin", 'label': "Lassen Volcano", 'file': "lassen-volcano.jpg"},
            {'source': "Internet", 'label': "Smile Image", 'file': "smiley.png"}
    for image in images:
        # File to open
        image['filename'] = path / image['file']  # file with path
    return images

def image_display(images):
    for image in images:  

# Run this as standalone tester to see sample data printed in Jupyter terminal
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # print parameter supplied image
    green_square = image_data(images=[{'source': "Internet", 'label': "Green Square", 'file': "green-square-16.png"}])
    # display default images from image_data()
    default_images = image_data()

Reading and Encoding Images (2 implementations follow)

PIL (Python Image Library)

Pillow or PIL provides the ability to work with images in Python. Geeks for Geeks shows some ideas on working with images.


Image formats (JPG, PNG) are often called *Binary File formats, it is difficult to pass these over HTTP. Thus, base64 converts binary encoded data (8-bit, ASCII/Unicode) into a text encoded scheme (24 bits, 6-bit Base64 digits). Thus base64 is used to transport and embed binary images into textual assets such as HTML and CSS.- How is Base64 similar or different to Binary and Hexadecimal?

- It uses binary and 6-bits
- Uses binary to transform images into characters
  • Translate first 3 letters of your name to Base64.
    • 001011, 110010, 011101
  • Asky
    • cannot transfer some characters


Numpy is described as "The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python". In the Image Lab, a Numpy array is created from the image data in order to simplify access and change to the RGB values of the pixels, converting pixels to grey scale.- manage data structures

io, BytesIO

Input and Output (I/O) is a fundamental of all Computer Programming. Input/output (I/O) buffering is a technique used to optimize I/O operations. In large quantities of data, how many frames of input the server currently has queued is the buffer. In this example, there is a very large picture that lags.

  • Where have you been a consumer of buffering?
    • When there is too much for a page to load, or the wifi is bad, the page starts to buffer.
  • From your consumer experience, what effects have you experienced from buffering?
    • When my computer buffers it sometimes crashes
  • How do these effects apply to images?
    • Images often take a long time to load when buffering

Data Structures, Imperative Programming Style, and working with Images

Introduction to creating meta data and manipulating images. Look at each procedure and explain the the purpose and results of this program. Add any insights or challenges as you explored this program.

  • Does this code seem like a series of steps are being performed?
    • Yes this code follows a sequence as it first creates a dictionary of images, and then cycles through each image to scale it using the scale_image function. After the image is scaled, the function, image_management_add_html_grey(image), is used to go through each pixel in the image, find the rgb average of the pixel, and change the pixel color to the correct shade of grey.
  • Describe Grey Scale algorithm in English or Pseudo code?
    • In the Grey Scale algorithm, the code takes each pixel in the image and finds the average rgb value for each pixel(o= red, 1=green, and 2=blue). It them takes the average value from this data and converts it into the new color (using the average for the r, g, and b values).
  • Describe scale image? What is before and after on pixels in three images?
    • The pixels in the image before have different colors and shades. After running the code, the image is entirely made up of different pixel shades of grey.
  • Is scale image a type of compression? If so, line it up with College Board terms described?
    • Yes? I think this is a type of compression because you take the average value of the rgb color, compressing the three colors into one average to then scale the color to grey.

Observations / Reflection

While playing with the grey scale code, I was able to create colors like cyan, hot pink, purple, and the primary light colors. This part was somewhat easy to do, however, it was a little difficult for me to understand how it goes through each pixel and what each function did. One thing I did understand was how putting the average pixel value for each rgb value made grey, and cancelling out some or all but one of the color values would allow you to scale the color. But, after talking to Mr. Mort, I was able to understand a little more how it goes takes the average of the rgb values added together.

from IPython.display import HTML, display
from pathlib import Path  # https://medium.com/@ageitgey/python-3-quick-tip-the-easy-way-to-deal-with-file-paths-on-windows-mac-and-linux-11a072b58d5f
from PIL import Image as pilImage # as pilImage is used to avoid conflicts
from io import BytesIO
import base64
import numpy as np

# prepares a series of images
def image_data(path=Path("images/"), images=None):  # path of static images is defaulted
    if images is None:  # default image
        images = [
            {'source': "Internet", 'label': "Green Square", 'file': "green-square-16.png"},
            {'source': "Peter Carolin", 'label': "Clouds Impression", 'file': "clouds-impression.png"},
            {'source': "Peter Carolin", 'label': "Lassen Volcano", 'file': "lassen-volcano.jpg"},
            {'source': "Internet", 'label': "Smile Image", 'file': "smiley.png"}
    for image in images:
        # File to open
        image['filename'] = path / image['file']  # file with path
    return images

# Large image scaled to baseWidth of 320
def scale_image(img):
    baseWidth = 320
    scalePercent = (baseWidth/float(img.size[0]))
    scaleHeight = int((float(img.size[1])*float(scalePercent)))
    scale = (baseWidth, scaleHeight)
    return img.resize(scale)

# PIL image converted to base64
def image_to_base64(img, format):
    with BytesIO() as buffer:
        img.save(buffer, format)
        return base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode()

# Set Properties of Image, Scale, and convert to Base64
def image_management(image):  # path of static images is defaulted        
    # Image open return PIL image object
    img = pilImage.open(image['filename'])
    # Python Image Library operations
    image['format'] = img.format
    image['mode'] = img.mode
    image['size'] = img.size
    # Scale the Image
    img = scale_image(img)
    image['pil'] = img
    image['scaled_size'] = img.size
    # Scaled HTML
    image['html'] = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s">' % image_to_base64(image['pil'], image['format'])
# Create Grey Scale Base64 representation of Image
def image_management_add_html_grey(image):
    # Image open return PIL image object
    img = image['pil']
    format = image['format']
    img_data = img.getdata()  # Reference https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-pil-image-getdata/
    image['data'] = np.array(img_data) # PIL image to numpy array
    image['gray_data'] = [] # key/value for data converted to gray scale

    # 'data' is a list of RGB data, the list is traversed and hex and binary lists are calculated and formatted
    for pixel in image['data']:
        # create gray scale of image, ref: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/convert-a-numpy-array-to-an-image/
        average = (pixel[0] + pixel[1] + pixel[2]) // 3  # average pixel values and use // for integer division
        if len(pixel) > 3:
            image['gray_data'].append((average, average, average, pixel[3])) # PNG format - pixel[3] is the extra pixel in png images
            image['gray_data'].append((average, average, average))
        # end for loop for pixels
    image['html_grey'] = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s">' % image_to_base64(img, format)

# Jupyter Notebook Visualization of Images
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Use numpy to concatenate two arrays
    images = image_data()
    # Display meta data, scaled view, and grey scale for each image
    for image in images:
        print("---- meta data -----")
        print("Original size: ", image['size'])
        print("Scaled size: ", image['scaled_size'])
        print("-- original image --")
        print("--- grey image ----")
from IPython.display import HTML, display
from pathlib import Path  # https://medium.com/@ageitgey/python-3-quick-tip-the-easy-way-to-deal-with-file-paths-on-windows-mac-and-linux-11a072b58d5f
from PIL import Image as pilImage # as pilImage is used to avoid conflicts
from io import BytesIO
import base64
import numpy as np

# prepares a series of images
def image_data(path=Path("images/"), images=None):  # path of static images is defaulted
    if images is None:  # default image
        images = [
            {'source': "Internet", 'label': "Green Square", 'file': "green-square-16.png"},
            {'source': "Peter Carolin", 'label': "Clouds Impression", 'file': "clouds-impression.png"},
            {'source': "Peter Carolin", 'label': "Lassen Volcano", 'file': "lassen-volcano.jpg"},
            {'source': "Internet", 'label': "Smile Image", 'file': "smiley.png"}
    for image in images:
        # File to open
        image['filename'] = path / image['file']  # file with path
    return images

# Large image scaled to baseWidth of 320
def scale_image(img):
    baseWidth = 320
    scalePercent = (baseWidth/float(img.size[0]))
    scaleHeight = int((float(img.size[1])*float(scalePercent)))
    scale = (baseWidth, scaleHeight)
    return img.resize(scale)

# PIL image converted to base64
def image_to_base64(img, format):
    with BytesIO() as buffer:
        img.save(buffer, format)
        return base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode()

# Set Properties of Image, Scale, and convert to Base64
def image_management(image):  # path of static images is defaulted        
    # Image open return PIL image object
    img = pilImage.open(image['filename'])
    # Python Image Library operations
    image['format'] = img.format
    image['mode'] = img.mode
    image['size'] = img.size
    # Scale the Image
    img = scale_image(img)
    image['pil'] = img
    image['scaled_size'] = img.size
    # Scaled HTML
    image['html'] = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s">' % image_to_base64(image['pil'], image['format'])
# Create Blue Scale Base64 representation of Image
def image_management_add_html_purple(image):
    # Image open return PIL image object
    img = image['pil']
    format = image['format']
    img_data = img.getdata()  # Reference https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-pil-image-getdata/
    image['data'] = np.array(img_data) # PIL image to numpy array
    image['purple_data'] = [] # key/value for data converted to purple scale

    # 'data' is a list of RGB data, the list is traversed and hex and binary lists are calculated and formatted
    for pixel in image['data']:
        # create blue scale of image, ref: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/convert-a-numpy-array-to-an-image/
    # average takes the average pixel color (rgb) and turns it into the new color  (purple = rb)
        average = (pixel[0] + pixel[1] + pixel[2]) // 3  # Pixel 0,1,2 are rgb - average pixel values and use // for integer division
        if len(pixel) > 3:
            image['purple_data'].append((average, 0, average, pixel[3])) # PNG format pixel[3] is extra png pixel (focus)
            image['purple_data'].append((average, 0, average))
        # end for loop for pixels
    image['html_purple'] = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s">' % image_to_base64(img, format)

# Jupyter Notebook Visualization of Images
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Use numpy to concatenate two arrays
    images = image_data()
    # Display meta data, scaled view, and grey scale for each image
    for image in images:
        print("---- meta data -----")
        print("Original size: ", image['size'])
        print("Scaled size: ", image['scaled_size'])
        print("-- original image --")
        print("--- purple image ----")
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/lydiacho/vscode/lyds.github.io/_notebooks/2023-03-07-Unit-2.2-Data-Compression-Images.ipynb Cell 9 in <cell line: 6>()
      <a href='vscode-notebook-cell:/Users/lydiacho/vscode/lyds.github.io/_notebooks/2023-03-07-Unit-2.2-Data-Compression-Images.ipynb#X11sZmlsZQ%3D%3D?line=3'>4</a> from io import BytesIO
      <a href='vscode-notebook-cell:/Users/lydiacho/vscode/lyds.github.io/_notebooks/2023-03-07-Unit-2.2-Data-Compression-Images.ipynb#X11sZmlsZQ%3D%3D?line=4'>5</a> import base64
----> <a href='vscode-notebook-cell:/Users/lydiacho/vscode/lyds.github.io/_notebooks/2023-03-07-Unit-2.2-Data-Compression-Images.ipynb#X11sZmlsZQ%3D%3D?line=5'>6</a> import numpy as np
      <a href='vscode-notebook-cell:/Users/lydiacho/vscode/lyds.github.io/_notebooks/2023-03-07-Unit-2.2-Data-Compression-Images.ipynb#X11sZmlsZQ%3D%3D?line=7'>8</a> # prepares a series of images
      <a href='vscode-notebook-cell:/Users/lydiacho/vscode/lyds.github.io/_notebooks/2023-03-07-Unit-2.2-Data-Compression-Images.ipynb#X11sZmlsZQ%3D%3D?line=8'>9</a> def image_data(path=Path("images/"), images=None):  # path of static images is defaulted

File ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py:363, in <module>
    356         msg = ("The current Numpy installation ({!r}) fails to "
    357                "pass simple sanity checks. This can be caused for example "
    358                "by incorrect BLAS library being linked in, or by mixing "
    359                "package managers (pip, conda, apt, ...). Search closed "
    360                "numpy issues for similar problems.")
    361         raise RuntimeError(msg.format(__file__)) from None
--> 363 _sanity_check()
    364 del _sanity_check
    366 def _mac_os_check():

File ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py:353, in _sanity_check()
    351 try:
    352     x = ones(2, dtype=float32)
--> 353     if not abs(x.dot(x) - 2.0) < 1e-5:
    354         raise AssertionError()
    355 except AssertionError:


Purple Shift Output (running cell causes github to buffer)

Purple Shift

Data Structures and OOP

Most data structures classes require Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Since this class is lined up with a College Course, OOP will be talked about often. Functionality in remainder of this Blog is the same as the prior implementation. Highlight some of the key difference you see between imperative and oop styles.

  • Read imperative and object-oriented programming on Wikipedia
  • Consider how data is organized in two examples, in relations to procedures
  • Look at Parameters in Imperative and Self in OOP

Additionally, review all the imports in these three demos. Create a definition of their purpose, specifically these ...

  • PIL Python Imaging Library - an additional library one cna import to open, manipulate, and save many different image file formats
  • numpy - Allows you to work with arrays and mathematical functions.
  • base64 - Base 64 is used to convert bytes that have binary or text data into plain text characters (i.e. the alphabet). This allows for code or binary to be easier for us to read.
from IPython.display import HTML, display
from pathlib import Path  # https://medium.com/@ageitgey/python-3-quick-tip-the-easy-way-to-deal-with-file-paths-on-windows-mac-and-linux-11a072b58d5f
from PIL import Image as pilImage # as pilImage is used to avoid conflicts
from io import BytesIO
import base64
import numpy as np

class Image_Data:

    def __init__(self, source, label, file, path, baseWidth=320):
        self._source = source    # variables with self prefix become part of the object, 
        self._label = label
        self._file = file
        self._filename = path / file  # file with path
        self._baseWidth = baseWidth

        # Open image and scale to needs
        self._img = pilImage.open(self._filename)
        self._format = self._img.format
        self._mode = self._img.mode
        self._originalSize = self.img.size
        self._html = self.image_to_html(self._img)
        self._html_grey = self.image_to_html_grey()

    def source(self):
        return self._source  
    def label(self):
        return self._label 
    def file(self):
        return self._file   
    def filename(self):
        return self._filename   
    def img(self):
        return self._img
    def format(self):
        return self._format
    def mode(self):
        return self._mode
    def originalSize(self):
        return self._originalSize
    def size(self):
        return self._img.size
    def html(self):
        return self._html
    def html_grey(self):
        return self._html_grey
    # Large image scaled to baseWidth of 320
    def scale_image(self):
        scalePercent = (self._baseWidth/float(self._img.size[0]))
        scaleHeight = int((float(self._img.size[1])*float(scalePercent)))
        scale = (self._baseWidth, scaleHeight)
        self._img = self._img.resize(scale)
    # PIL image converted to base64
    def image_to_html(self, img):
        with BytesIO() as buffer:
            img.save(buffer, self._format)
            return '<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s">' % base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode()
    # Create Grey Scale Base64 representation of Image
    def image_to_html_grey(self):
        img_grey = self._img
        numpy = np.array(self._img.getdata()) # PIL image to numpy array
        grey_data = [] # key/value for data converted to gray scale
        # 'data' is a list of RGB data, the list is traversed and hex and binary lists are calculated and formatted
        for pixel in numpy:
            # create gray scale of image, ref: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/convert-a-numpy-array-to-an-image/
            average = (pixel[0] + pixel[1] + pixel[2]) // 3  # average pixel values and use // for integer division
            if len(pixel) > 3:
                grey_data.append((average, average, average, pixel[3])) # PNG format
                grey_data.append((average, average, average))
            # end for loop for pixels
        return self.image_to_html(img_grey)

# prepares a series of images, provides expectation for required contents
def image_data(path=Path("images/"), images=None):  # path of static images is defaulted
    if images is None:  # default image
        images = [
            {'source': "Internet", 'label': "Green Square", 'file': "green-square-16.png"},
            {'source': "Peter Carolin", 'label': "Clouds Impression", 'file': "clouds-impression.png"},
            {'source': "Peter Carolin", 'label': "Lassen Volcano", 'file': "lassen-volcano.jpg"}
    return path, images

# turns data into objects
def image_objects():        
    id_Objects = []
    path, images = image_data()
    for image in images:
    return id_Objects

# Jupyter Notebook Visualization of Images
if __name__ == "__main__":
    for ido in image_objects(): # ido is an Imaged Data Object
        print("---- meta data -----")
        print("Original size: ", ido.originalSize)
        print("Scaled size: ", ido.size)
        print("-- scaled image --")
        print("--- grey image ---")


Early Seed award

  • Add this Blog to you own Blogging site.
  • In the Blog add a Happy Face image.
  • Have Happy Face Image open when Tech Talk starts, running on localhost. Don't tell anyone. Show to Teacher.

AP Prep

  • In the Blog add notes and observations on each code cell that request an answer.
  • In blog add College Board practice problems for 2.3
  • Choose 2 images, one that will more likely result in lossy data compression and one that is more likely to result in lossless data compression. Explain.

  • The green square image is one that is likely to result in a lossless data compression due to the repetition of pixels, which one can compress and decompress without losing data.
  • More detailed and larger images, with more detailed pixels, like the monet-style mountain image would result in lossy data compression.

Project Addition

  • If your project has images in it, try to implement an image change that has a purpose. (Ex. An item that has been sold out could become gray scale)

Pick a programming paradigm and solve some of the following ...

  • Numpy, manipulating pixels. As opposed to Grey Scale treatment, pick a couple of other types like red scale, green scale, or blue scale. We want you to be manipulating pixels in the image.
  • Binary and Hexadecimal reports. Convert and produce pixels in binary and Hexadecimal and display.
  • Compression and Sizing of images. Look for insights into compression Lossy and Lossless. Look at PIL library and see if there are other things that can be done.
  • There are many effects you can do as well with PIL. Blur the image or write Meta Data on screen, aka Title, Author and Image size.