Quiz Results and Corrections


I got a 24/25 on this quiz. However, I needed to search up a couple questions about binary, which I need to study and understand more.


  • I got this question wrong because I thought answer C would be true. However, it is missing a step in the algorithm of sorting the items by price, not just by date. Answer D would be correct because the statement is true.

Commits Commits

Though I have been doing work each week, I realize that I don't commit my changes and contributions as much as I should- which is something I will work on.

Individual Plans for CPT

  • For the CPT, my role is the Scrum Master. I plan to make sure my group and I say on track with what needs to be accomplished.
  • After speaking with Mort, we plan to have separate simulations for each member.
  • My part of the project is going to be the four corners game, and I will likely try to incorporate binary through the use of images.
  • Below is the link to the project planning page I have been working on along with my team

Starter Code for 4 Corners

import random

status = "in"
while status != "out":
    chooseCorner = input("What corner do you choose?")

    corner = random.randint(1,4)

    if int(chooseCorner) == corner:
        status = "out"
        print("You chose corner number " + chooseCorner + " and you're OUT")
        print("You chose corner number " + chooseCorner + " and are still in!")